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© 2009-2017 Khoo Shu Hui. All Rights Reserved

14 July 2011 Birthday Card

9July2011 Submission for 30th UOB Painting Of The Year Competition

Title: Spout Not Red

Dimension: 40cm X 50cm (exclude frame)

Write up of design
This is a controversial piece of arts. This drawing was painted to express my feeling from the time the Merlion was covered with the “red box” and thereafter.
I can see the Merlion vividly almost everyday from my workplace. I felt strongly during the period when the Merlion was covered with the “red box” (ie The Merlion Hotel). Though it was a bold step taken to show openness and creativity for Singapore, I missed the Merlion which spout water. I missed the spouting Merlion & was saddened as it seemed to lose its radiant after being covered.
After the “red box” is removed, I was exhilarated when I see the Merlion standing there spouting water again! To me, the Spouting Merlion means vibrant and is irreplaceable. A truly iconic statute!