All paintings and videos are copyrighted.
© 2009-2017 Khoo Shu Hui. All Rights Reserved

Dec2013 Drawing in Nepal

7Dec2013 - At Forest Camp 


14Dec2013-BeeHive Guest House


Submission for 2013 Emirates SkywardsFutureArtists Competition

Title: Eye or Plane
Brief: Alternate Perspectives
Artwork Description: Eye? Planes? How many planes do you see? 

Check out the link for more information

(Link accessed on 26Nov2013)

2013 Singapore Biennale (26Oct2013-2Feb2014)

Singapore Biennale 2013 - If the World Changed,
partnering with artist, Ms Hazel Lim

It is such a wonderful and rare opportunity to be part of the Biennale and have my plates displayed in the Peranakan Museum!

Take a closer look at my hand painted porcelain plates. 

23Sep2013 Watercolour Demonstration at BVSS

Happy for the opportunity to do watercolour demonstration 
to share my passion and watercolour techniques with the students :D 

20- 21June2013 Melbourne( On-the-spot fast sketch with Marker pens)

20 June 2013 James Cook Cottage 

21 June 2013 Great Ocean Road 

 21 June 2013 Great Ocean Road 

21 June 2013 Great Ocean Road 

8June2013 Hand Painted Plates and Mugs @ BVSS Sports Fiesta

Happy to have the opportunity to design the following for fund raising during the Sports Fiesta



This mug was drawn on the spot as requested.